Tomcat Not Accepting Username/Password for Manager GUI


Tomcat 7 on Arch Linux. Was working before but I screwed it up so this is now a fresh install (removed package, dependencies, cleaned cache, rebooted, reinstalled, restarted). I try to log in to the Manager GUI but it keeps prompting me for my username and password even when I enter correctly. Thought it might be permissions so I chown'd everything to tomcat:tomcat but still nothing.

Here's my tomcat-users.xml:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
  <role rolename="tomcat"/>
  <role rolename="manager-gui"/>
  <role rolename="manager-script"/>
  <role rolename="manager-jmx"/>
  <role rolename="manager-status"/>
  <role rolename="admin-gui"/>
  <role rolename="admin-script"/>
  <user username="tomcat" password="[CHANGE_ME]" roles="tomcat"/>
  <user username="manager" password="[CHANGE_ME]" roles="manager-gui,manager-script,manager-jmx,manager-status"/>
  <user username="admin" password="[CHANGE_ME]" roles="admin-gui"/>

Best Answer

Solution: I'm an idiot. Malformed tomcat-users.xml due to hastily copy-and-pasting tutorial example.

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