Tomcat – Session replication in Tomcat

clusterload balancingreplicationsessiontomcat

I have setup my cluster with one loadbalancer and 2 nodes with sticky session. I am using mod_jk for loadbalancing. I am having problem with proper session replication. I am using Tomcat 6. When I start a new session I can see that the session is replicated on both the nodes. Thats all good

Content of session

Node 1
Node 2

But the problem arises when I modify the session object, the updated session is not replicated. Some how the tomcat just doesnt update the session content.

Content of sesion

Node 1

I am using delta manager for now. I did some research but didnt find anything to help me.

Thank you.

Best Answer

I bit more of research led to this and I implemented the ForceReplicationValve and it worked like a charm.