Tomcat – Setting CATALINA_OPTS for tomcat6 on windows doesn’t work


(I've copied this from Stack Overflow here, after someone suggested I post the question here)

I'm trying to setup Tomcat6 to work with JMX on Windows Vista 64.

To do that I need to pass the parameters below to Tomcat6.

What I do in command prompt. (that doesn't work)


What I do that does work (but causes other problems)

java -jar bootstrap.jar

It seems as if tomcat is just ignoring the environment variable CATALINA_OPTS.
Am I doing something wrong?

I've also tried to edit catalina.bat and define the variable CATALINA_OPTS there. No success. (tried adding the parameters to JAVA_OPTS too, no success either)

Best Answer

Silly me, I started tomcat with tomcat6.exe instead of startup.bat.

Now works. Thanks!

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