Tomcat – SSL Certificate Domain Name Mismatch


Retina is complaining that the SSL certificate running on my Tomcat server does not return the fully qualified domain name (fqdn) but rather the IP. I connected to my Tomcat server on port 443 using the command: openssl s_client -connect <ip>:443 and it shows me the Nowhere do I see the IP address being displayed. However, Retina says the Found Value is an IP address.

I followed the directions here at Bill Comer's Blog to create a self-signed certificate. I don't see how the Found Value can be the IP address of the Target Host Name rather than the fqdn.

What command is Retina sending to determine this? What else am I doing wrong?

Best Answer

System Administrator had to add machines to DNS server and problem went away. This problem did not get noticed even by doing a nslookup from the Retina machine.