Tomcat – which JVM is best for Tomcat


I have Tomcat 6.0 up and running. I went to tweak the memory sizes and realized that I have it running on the Sun JDK 1.6 client JVM. I don't have the Sun server JVM installed:

C:\>java -client -version
java version "1.6.0_16"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_16-b01)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 14.2-b01, mixed mode, sharing)

C:\>java -server -version
Error: no `server' JVM at `C:\appl\java\jre6u16\bin\server\jvm.dll'.

To clarify: I know how to switch JVMs in Tomcat from client to server. I just have to pick the most appropriate server JVM.

Am I going to notice a big difference between client and server JVMs? If I want the Sun server JVM, do I have to reinstall the whole JDK? Are there other free server alternatives that would be good for running Tomcat?

Best Answer

Here (from the Sun release notes) is the answer I was looking for, at least for how to ensure the JDK server is up and running:


On Microsoft Windows platforms, the JDK includes both the Java HotSpotTM Server VM and Java HotSpotTM Client VM. However, the JRE for Microsoft Windows platforms includes only the Java HotSpotTM Client VM. Those wishing to use the Java HotSpotTM Server VM with the JRE may copy the JDK's jre\bin\server folder to a bin\server directory in the JRE. Software vendors may redistribute the Java HotSpotTM Server VM with their redistributions of the JRE.