Too many redirects


I have an app on Heroku which I would like to point to with two different URLs. I use CloudFlare as my name server. My first domain has 8 records; 2 CNAME, 6 MX and one TXT. It looks like so:

CNAME <> is an alias of <>
CNAME www             is an alias of <>
MX    <> ...
MX    <> ...
MX    <> ...
MX    <> ...
MX    <> ...
TXT   google._domainkey ...

When I hit it loads as expected. When I try it for my second domain I get the error:

This webpage has a redirect loop


The DNS records for both sites are identical apart from their respective URLs. What's the problem?

Best Answer

While the DNS records were identical for each URL, the crypto settings (<your_url>) were not. The working URL had full SSL while the non-working one had flexible. Setting both to full now allows one access to the site.

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