Top reports swap at 100%, free memory available


On RedHat 5 servers, we see top reporting swap has 0k free. vmstat shows the same amount of swap used, but no paging. We kill our only app, and top still reports 100% of swap used. If we reboot, swap goes to 0k used. Any comments: am I interpreting top incorrectly? Is there really something in the swap partition? Can you point me to documentation that would address this? Can we correct it if incorrect?

Update: Swappiness is at default value of 60. To clarify the above, after killing our application, we (i.e., non-OS owned processes) have no processes running other than my shell and top itself, but continue to show 0k free swap. I believe that top is reporting incorrect information, not that we have no free swap space.


Best Answer

Check your swappiness, too. Someone may have set it high.

cat /proc/sys/vm/swappiness