Track folder for create/delete/move events and send a daily report


I'd like to track events such as create/delete/move for files and folders on a certain file server. This should work based on certain folders only (track folder x and nothing else).
This is a Windows Server environment.

Here is what I did so far:

  • Turn on Advanced Audit Policy – Audit File System – Success.
  • enabled auditing on the folder of interest

It works but you're faced with a huge amount of endless log entries, most of them useless. I even filtered the security log to certain event IDs only (4656, 4659, 4660, 4663) but it's still a mess. For certain IDs like 4663 you also need to know which accessmask was triggered to put some sense to it.

What I need is some sort of management summary generated on a daily basis preferrably in HTML. One should be able to see which files and folders were created/deleted or moved and nothing else.

Seems like this is exactly what I am looking for –> link. Unfortunately the script starts to run then hangs forever. Could not get it working on Server 2008 R2 and my Powershell skills are to weak to debug this. The folder I'd like to monitor consists of <80.000 files and <10.000 folders.

What are my options? Would you go the Audit Policy route or are there better alternatives? Would be nice if I can get it to work with standard tools. How can I aggregate and filter the log to generate a clear and human readable output?


Looking for a poor mans SIEM to generate a daily report of who created/deleted/moved files and folders of a specific file share.


Sorted some stuff out and got the script running. It's slow (taking about 20 min to examine ~100.000 log lines) but working. So I'm using this for the moment. If someone has a faster or more elegant solution I'd like to hear it.

Best Answer

Your on the right track, you would need to read the Security log of the server to get the events that your looking for. The best description of getting a "count" or reading the xml to dig in a little bit further is detailed here ""

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