Amazon S3 – Transitioning a Large Bucket to S3 Glacier

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I want to move a 72 TB size bucket from S3 Standard to S3 Glacier.
I'm going to create a Lifecycle rule and set "Transition current versions of objects between storage classes" to 1 day.
I guess it won't be in one day because I'm not sure that AWS will handle this load and make the transition of 72 TB of data in one day.
Is any way to predict the timeline?

Best Answer

In this case it took 1 day (or even less) to transition.
Applied Lifecycle rule to "Transition current versions of objects between storage classes" from S3 Standard to S3 Glacier and set 1 day.
Bucket metrics: size - 73 TB; total number of objects - 6.5 M.
The rule applied on Oct 6 at 9:30 am.
Checked bucket on Oct 7, at 7:00 am - all objects showed "Glacier" storage class.

Before I had another case:
The same Lifecycle rule mentioned above.
Bucket metrics: size - 11 TB; total number of objects - 2.1 M.
Transition took about 3 days (didn't note the exact time).

So based only on bucket size and objects count we can't predict.

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