Trigger a scheduled task “At task creation/modification” schtasks


I am creating a schedules task to run just before it's created and deleted after it runs.

I am using the tool, schtasks to create the scheduled task, but i havent found the parameter to run the task "At task creation/modification"

schtasks /create /TN "Install Bpm" /SC ONCE /TR "C:\windows\system32\calc.exe -i silent" /Z

My question is; how can I create a scheduled task via command line, with the trigger “At task creation/modification".

enter image description here

Best Answer

What you are asking for is really only available using the AT command, as it is designed to perform single-action tasks.

You need to use the /Create to build the task from the command line.

Then you need to /Run the task by its /TN name.

Once the task is complete, the task can call the /Delete command against its own /TN name within the task to clean up after itself.