Trouble setting up WebDAV

iis-7webdavwindows 7

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Rather than using FTP to access my hosting provider, which I read is unsecure, I'm trying to set up WebDAV (which I've never done before). I don't see WebDAV in the Actions pane of IIS Manager. So I found a link at to install it. I'm running Windows 7, so when the Web Platform Installer gave a message that my operating system is not supported, I tried the x64 link from that site. Then I get the message "IIS Version 7.0 is required to use WebDav 7.5 for IIS". That would suggest I didn't install IIS7, which I'm pretty positive I did. In IIS Manager the Help | About says Version 6.1 (Build 7600) at the top (6.1 makes me think IIS6?) but then at the bottom it says "Internet Information Services (Version 7.5.7600.16385), which seems to suggest IIS7, right? And in fact, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\InetStp says Version 7.5. Any ideas on how I can get going with WebDAV? Thanks!
(ps – I thought this posted earlier, but I don't see it, so hopefully this isn't a dupe.)

Best Answer

What operating system are you using? Windows Server 2003 has IIS6, 2008 has IIS7 and 2008 R2 has 7.5.

If you have IIS7 then FTPS (FTP over SSL) is available which is a good secure option. It's a matter of preference if you go with WebDAV or FTPS.