Trouble with Hamachi – can’t ping other machine


I'm just setting up Hamachi, but having some trouble.
I have a Hamachi instance running on my Linux machine at home and I'm trying to connect to the Samba share on it via my Windows laptop. The Hamachi UI on my laptop shows a 5.x.x.x IP address with a blue star next to it. It also shows a 5.x.x.x IP address for my Linux machine with a green star next to it.
I can't access any of the network services or SSH to my Linux machine. If I try pinging it from the Hamachi UI that also fails. Is it expected that the pinging would fail since I don't have a web server running on my Linux machine? What else can I do to troubleshoot?
Could I be having problems because I'm behind a firewall at my workplace?

Best Answer

One of the features of Hamachi is that is can supposedly traverse firewalls. However, I have not found connecting from a Windows machine to a Linux machine using Hamachi to be reliable in any circumstance. See the numerous issues and complaints on the Hamachi Linux forum at

Hamachi, since being acquired by LogMeIn, has shown abysmal consideration to Linux users. I find the product unreliable when Linux machines are part of my hamachi network.