Trouble with PERC H330 RAID controller recognizing drives


I have a PERC H330 RAID controller with 3 Seagate ST4000NM0034 drives, and the controller does not appear to be recognizing the drives. It does not show up in the CTRL+R screens anywhere and I'm getting concerned the cabling or card is bad. Any suggestions?

Best Answer

If you don't see the Ctrl+R screen, that's not going to be a cabling issue. A PERC should still show up in the BIOS regardless of whether any physical disks are connected/detected. Check your card's seating, verify you're using a PCI slot that can provide enough power, maybe check whether the card is even compatible with the server you've put it in... standard PCI card troubleshooting. Wouldn't hurt to heed @yoonix's words and just call Dell support if that's an option for you (if you have a warranty currently active).