Troubleshooting Remote Desktop Services Connectivity – Windows Server 2012 R2


I have a number of users who connect to Published Applications over the internet. (Workers work from home). On any given day, user A can stay connected to the remote app with no disconnections for 8 hours, no problem. On the same day, user B may be disconnected 10-15 times during the exact same time period.

This is oversimplifying a good deal – there are many users who are fine, and many users with disconnections at different times of the day. (If everyone got disconnected at the same time, I could wrap my head around the idea of it being an issue on the server/our network).

My question is: how does one go about troubleshooting this? Their computers are all company provided. However, users are responsible for their own router/firewall/internet providers. They of course will call their internet provider, who will in turn "test their connection", and they'll be told that their connection is fine.

So I need to be able to show WHAT is happening (both to the user and to myself), so that I can then troubleshoot further.

I've toyed with the idea of running Network Monitor/Wireshark, but honestly, I'm not real sure WHAT I'm looking for.

Anyone have any troubleshooting tips/tricks to share?

Best Answer

I would get some sort of ping monitoring tool such as Ping Plotter or equivalent. Start a ping to your RDS gateway, a ping to (or equivalent), a second ping going to a random website that responds to ICMP ( for example) and a ping to another Internet facing server in your organization. Then monitor the loss of connections. If the loss is on all targets then it's easy to point the finger at the user's config (ISP, router, computer... whatever it may be).