Troubleshooting WebLogic Apache Plugin Loading on Windows


Running ApacheHaus build of 2.4.25 of Apache on Windows.

Using Oracle Weblogic Server Plugin
Unpacked \fmw_12.\WLSPlugins12c-\WLSPlugin12.\lib to C:\apps\Apache24\wl_plugin\lib

Made sure PATH contains C:\apps\Apache24\wl_plugin\lib

Set apache config to include the plugin:

LoadModule weblogic_module C:\apps\Apache24\wl_plugin\lib\

Start the httpd:

httpd: Syntax error on line 180 of C:/apps/Apache24/conf/httpd.conf: Cannot load
 C:\\apps\\Apache24\\wl_plugin\\lib\\ into server: The specified module could not be found.

Obviously the module is here, and it's a misleading message as the module couldn't load due to SOMETHING being wrong.

But how do I find out what's wrong?

The docs from oracle state:

> Configuring the apache plug-in (for demo purposes only)

  1. Make a copy of %APACHE_HOME%\conf\httpd.conf file

  2. Load the plug-in module

    A) With Apache HTTP Server 2.2.x:

    Edit the file and, add the following:

    LoadModule weblogic_module C:\myhome\weblogic-plugins\lib\

    WebLogicHost wls-host
    WebLogicPort wls-port

    SetHandler weblogic-handler

    B) With Apache HTTP Server 2.4.x:

    Edit the file and, add the following:

    LoadModule weblogic_module C:\myhome\weblogic-plugins\lib\

    WebLogicHost wls-host
    WebLogicPort wls-port

    SetHandler weblogic-handler

  3. Ensure that the %PLUGIN_HOME%\lib is included in the PATH:

    set PATH=C:\myhome\weblogic-plugins\lib:…

    (Other options include copying the 'lib' contents to APACHE_HOME\lib or
    editing the APACHE_HOME\bin\apachectl to update the PATH)

  4. Start Apache HTTP Server:


  5. Send a request to http://apache-host:apache-port/mywebapp/my.jsp
    from the browser. Validate the response.

I've also tried putting lib*.dll into the apache lib folder, moving the .so to modules and loading as modules\ but I get the same issue (with a different path)

How can I drill in to see what's causing the module to not load?


Ok so here's the output of httpd.exe -e trace8:

[Thu Sep 21 09:12:55.973025 2017] [so:debug] [pid 644:tid 228] mod_so.c(266): AH01575: loaded module access_compat_module from C:/apps/Apache24/modules/
[Thu Sep 21 09:12:55.988620 2017] [so:debug] [pid 644:tid 228] mod_so.c(266): AH01575: loaded module actions_module from C:/apps/Apache24/modules/
[Thu Sep 21 09:12:55.988620 2017] [so:debug] [pid 644:tid 228] mod_so.c(266): AH01575: loaded module alias_module from C:/apps/Apache24/modules/
[Thu Sep 21 09:12:55.988620 2017] [so:debug] [pid 644:tid 228] mod_so.c(266): AH01575: loaded module allowmethods_module from C:/apps/Apache24/modules/
[Thu Sep 21 09:12:55.988620 2017] [so:debug] [pid 644:tid 228] mod_so.c(266): AH01575: loaded module asis_module from C:/apps/Apache24/modules/
[Thu Sep 21 09:12:55.988620 2017] [so:debug] [pid 644:tid 228] mod_so.c(266): AH01575: loaded module auth_basic_module from C:/apps/Apache24/modules/
[Thu Sep 21 09:12:55.988620 2017] [so:debug] [pid 644:tid 228] mod_so.c(266): AH01575: loaded module authn_core_module from C:/apps/Apache24/modules/
[Thu Sep 21 09:12:55.988620 2017] [so:debug] [pid 644:tid 228] mod_so.c(266): AH01575: loaded module authn_file_module from C:/apps/Apache24/modules/
[Thu Sep 21 09:12:55.988620 2017] [so:debug] [pid 644:tid 228] mod_so.c(266): AH01575: loaded module authz_core_module from C:/apps/Apache24/modules/
[Thu Sep 21 09:12:55.988620 2017] [so:debug] [pid 644:tid 228] mod_so.c(266): AH01575: loaded module authz_groupfile_module from C:/apps/Apache24/modules/
[Thu Sep 21 09:12:55.988620 2017] [so:debug] [pid 644:tid 228] mod_so.c(266): AH01575: loaded module authz_host_module from C:/apps/Apache24/modules/
[Thu Sep 21 09:12:55.988620 2017] [so:debug] [pid 644:tid 228] mod_so.c(266): AH01575: loaded module authz_user_module from C:/apps/Apache24/modules/
[Thu Sep 21 09:12:55.988620 2017] [so:debug] [pid 644:tid 228] mod_so.c(266): AH01575: loaded module autoindex_module from C:/apps/Apache24/modules/
[Thu Sep 21 09:12:55.988620 2017] [so:debug] [pid 644:tid 228] mod_so.c(266): AH01575: loaded module cgi_module from C:/apps/Apache24/modules/
[Thu Sep 21 09:12:55.988620 2017] [so:debug] [pid 644:tid 228] mod_so.c(266): AH01575: loaded module dir_module from C:/apps/Apache24/modules/
[Thu Sep 21 09:12:55.988620 2017] [so:debug] [pid 644:tid 228] mod_so.c(266): AH01575: loaded module env_module from C:/apps/Apache24/modules/
[Thu Sep 21 09:12:55.988620 2017] [so:debug] [pid 644:tid 228] mod_so.c(266): AH01575: loaded module headers_module from C:/apps/Apache24/modules/
[Thu Sep 21 09:12:55.988620 2017] [so:debug] [pid 644:tid 228] mod_so.c(266): AH01575: loaded module include_module from C:/apps/Apache24/modules/
[Thu Sep 21 09:12:55.988620 2017] [so:debug] [pid 644:tid 228] mod_so.c(266): AH01575: loaded module isapi_module from C:/apps/Apache24/modules/
[Thu Sep 21 09:12:55.988620 2017] [so:debug] [pid 644:tid 228] mod_so.c(266): AH01575: loaded module log_config_module from C:/apps/Apache24/modules/
[Thu Sep 21 09:12:55.988620 2017] [so:debug] [pid 644:tid 228] mod_so.c(266): AH01575: loaded module mime_module from C:/apps/Apache24/modules/
[Thu Sep 21 09:12:55.988620 2017] [so:debug] [pid 644:tid 228] mod_so.c(266): AH01575: loaded module negotiation_module from C:/apps/Apache24/modules/
[Thu Sep 21 09:12:55.988620 2017] [so:debug] [pid 644:tid 228] mod_so.c(266): AH01575: loaded module proxy_module from C:/apps/Apache24/modules/
[Thu Sep 21 09:12:55.988620 2017] [so:debug] [pid 644:tid 228] mod_so.c(266): AH01575: loaded module proxy_http_module from C:/apps/Apache24/modules/
[Thu Sep 21 09:12:55.988620 2017] [so:debug] [pid 644:tid 228] mod_so.c(266): AH01575: loaded module setenvif_module from C:/apps/Apache24/modules/
httpd: Syntax error on line 180 of C:/apps/Apache24/conf/httpd.conf: Cannot load C:\\apps\\Apache24\\wl_plugin\\lib\\ into server: The specified module could not be found.  

PAth is:

C:\apps\Apache24\bin>set path
ws\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files (x
86)\Microsoft SQL Server\130\DTS\Binn\;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\130
\DTS\Binn\;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\Client SDK\ODBC\130\Tools\Binn\
;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\130\Tools\Binn\;C:\Program Files\Mi
crosoft SQL Server\130\Tools\Binn\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\C
lient SDK\ODBC\130\Tools\Binn\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\130\T

Here's the contents of c:\apps\apache24\wl_plugin\lib:

Directory of C:\apps\Apache24\wl_plugin\lib

20/09/2017  16:37    <DIR>          .
20/09/2017  16:37    <DIR>          ..
17/08/2017  21:50           451,072
17/08/2017  21:50           451,072
17/08/2017  21:50           641,536 oci.dll
17/08/2017  21:50         1,066,496 oraasmclnt12.dll
17/08/2017  21:50           488,960 oracell12.dll
17/08/2017  21:50         5,630,464 oraclient12.dll
17/08/2017  21:50           265,216 oraclsce12.dll
17/08/2017  21:50         6,919,680 oracommon12.dll
17/08/2017  21:50         1,755,136 oracore12.dll
17/08/2017  21:50        19,112,960 orageneric12.dll
17/08/2017  21:50        10,691,072 orahasgen12.dll
17/08/2017  21:50           737,280 oraldapclnt12.dll
17/08/2017  21:50         4,529,152 oran12.dll
17/08/2017  21:50             8,192 orancds12.dll
17/08/2017  21:50           100,864 orancrypt12.dll
17/08/2017  21:50            22,016 oranhost12.dll
17/08/2017  21:50           535,552 oranl12.dll
17/08/2017  21:50           284,160 oranldap12.dll
17/08/2017  21:50         1,041,408 oranls12.dll
17/08/2017  21:50         5,019,136 orannzsbb12.dll
17/08/2017  21:50           339,456 oranro12.dll
17/08/2017  21:50           190,464 orantcp12.dll
17/08/2017  21:50            41,984 orantns12.dll
17/08/2017  21:50         1,218,048 oraocr12.dll
17/08/2017  21:50           956,416 oraocrb12.dll
17/08/2017  21:50            84,480 oraocrutl12.dll
17/08/2017  21:50           220,160 oraons.dll
17/08/2017  21:50            51,712 oraonsssl.dll
17/08/2017  21:50            22,528 oraonssys.dll
17/08/2017  21:50         4,205,056 oraplp12.dll
17/08/2017  21:50         6,395,392 orapls12.dll
17/08/2017  21:50            35,840 oraslax12.dll
17/08/2017  21:50           241,664 orasnls12.dll
17/08/2017  21:50           310,784 orasql12.dll
17/08/2017  21:50           105,472 oraunls12.dll
17/08/2017  21:50             9,728 orauts.dll
17/08/2017  21:50            10,240 oravsn12.dll
17/08/2017  21:50           236,544 orawsec12.dll
17/08/2017  21:50         7,452,672 oraxml12.dll
17/08/2017  21:50           126,976 orazt12.dll
17/08/2017  21:50         1,463,296 oraztkg12.dll
17/08/2017  21:50           281,088 yod.dll
              42 File(s)     83,751,424 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  19,297,947,648 bytes free

HTTPD.conf says:

LoadModule weblogic_module "C:\apps\Apache24\wl_plugin\lib\"

I've now downgraded to 12.1.3 of the mod_wl_24 and it works, so it's obviously an issue with the release, but I'd still like to know if there is more I can do to investigate why fails to load, as we were looking to upgrade to the latest as some of the fixes apply to us.

Best Answer

I had the same problem on Win7 x64, it turns out I needed to install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable (x64) for Visual Studio 2012

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