Trying to access windows xp shared folder but it does’t ask for user/password


I have a windows xp machine on one domain with a shared folder (advanced file sharing) and is limited to \\machine1\Administrator (only he can see the folder and change files).

the problem is that, when I access the machine in a win7 64bit client machine, it doesn't ask me for the user/pass (the administrator of machine1). When I try to access the folder, it says I cannot access it (which is correct).

Please note both machines are on different domains.

What is going on, why doesn't it ask for my password? Any tips to troubleshoot this?

Best Answer

This is almost definitely due to the fact that user supplied by the source machine exists in the target's domain. When that happens, Windows will happily supply the password for the User to the target. In this case the passwords are not the same, so you get access-denied.

To work around this, when you map the drive supply a specific credential. This pre-supplies the username (with domain/machine!) so the connection will complete.