Ubuntu 10.04 running in VMWare unable to connect to authenticate through ISA Server


I have a copy of Ubuntu 10.04 [Desktop] LTS running inside a virtual machine using VMWare workstation on a Win 7 host sitting behind an ISA Server on a corparte network.

I am unable to connect to the outside world from this VM except through a web browser. I cant use apt-get, ruby gems (install off the network) or any other command line or GUI program.

So far I have tried setting up proxy on the network proxy page, /etc/bash.bashrc file using export http_proxy:{my proxy details}, in synaptics update manager, using cntlm and changing individual however none of these seem to work and give me an outside connection.

Now here is the kicker, on the same computer and network I have VirtualBox setup with a clean install of Ubuntu 10.04 and it connects to outside with no problems. Both VM's are set to use NAT.

The host has an ISA Client installed and allows Win 7 to operate correctly

Does anyone know why I can connect using VirtualBox but not VMWare workstation and how i can get VMWare to work on network.

Kind Regards
Colin G

Best Answer

I don't know why you would have this working in VirtualBox and not VMWare, but I can say when we used ISA it was a finicky mistress with machines that weren't joined to the domain (and even *nix ones that were joined with likewise or samba). We used NTLMAPS for our GNU/Linux hosts (mostly Ubuntu servers), as for whatever reason this worked far better for us than cntlm.

It's easy enough to try: apt-get install ntlmaps, tweak the /etc/ntlmaps/server.cfg file and enter proxy, user, and domain information, and in particular set LM_PART to 0 and NT_PART to 1 unless your domain is really old. To get apt to use this, add a file called 01proxy to /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ with the following line:

Acquire::http::Proxy "";