Ubuntu 16.04 Server new installation can’t get past Grub (Probable UEFI issue)


Attempting to install Ubuntu 16.04 Server onto a newly initialised disk. Using UEFI, and a 4.5TB / partition. After installing without issue, on rebooting, the server will not get past Grub.


  • New Supermicro Server
  • Hardware 6 x SSD RAID 5 – 4.5TB Virtual Disk
  • BIOS Fully updated

Installation Steps:

Selection of UEFI Virtual CD which is Ubuntu 16.04 Server. NOTE – I did chose the UEFI Virtual CD rather than the highlighted non UEFI as shown in the screenshot (i realised after i took the screenshot)

enter image description here

Ubuntu default guided partition layout, non LVM, completely unmodified. Confirmation of partitions, including ESP is present.

enter image description here

Installation completes without error. After installation, Ubuntu is visible in boot menu:

enter image description here

System boots into Grub, no matter what option chosen:

enter image description here

In Grub, from my understanding, the ESP should be mounted at /boot/efi. However, Grub shows errors as below, but can also list / normally, however anything inside / such as /etc has the error, including /boot:

enter image description here

Grub shows partitions as:

enter image description here

I am unsure how to proceed from here.

Best Answer

Try booting with supergrub dvd/cd. It may fix the problem with grub. This has sometimes worked for me in the past. Failing that just reinstall again. The first partition on your disk looks a bit strange. The issue may be related to having a raid of ssd's. You could try and install without raid and see how you go.