Ubuntu – Add a Home directory for already created user when no direct root login available


I have a user account provided by client with unrestricted sudo access, but this user has no home directory. I want to create one, but I'm not sure how to go about it.

I tried logging in as my normal user and sudo suing into root, then running

 usermod -d /home/user  -m user

But it gaves the message usermod: no changes. I assume because my user is already logged in?

Other solutions seem to involve removing and re-creating my user account with a home directory, but again as user would be already logged in I think there may be problems with that approach.

Is there a way to create my user's home directory with the access I have, or do I need to inform my client/provider to recreate my account?

Best Answer

Just create a home directory for them and grant them permissions.
mkdir /home/$user and then chown $user:$user /home/$user.

Take note to replace the group in the chown command with something else if required.