Xen – Alternatives to Bridging Infiniband IPOIB


I've installed xen-hypervisor-4.1 package onto an Ubuntu 12.04.3 server.

It has an infiniband adaptor installed and I run IPoIB with it.

What I'm wanting to do is provide the ipoib to one or more guests. However using linux bridge is not possible.

# brctl addbr br0
# brctl addif br0 ib0
can't add ib0 to bridge br0: Invalid argument

And that's because ib0 is not a true ethernet interface. I already have ipoib deployed on the network so eoib may not be a compatible option?

Also, if I was to simply pass through the Infiniband adaptor that would only work for a single guest.

How do I make the infiniband network available to certain virtual machines?

Best Answer

IPoIB doesn't work for L2 bridging, as it's L3 over IB encapsulation. You can use eIPoIB instead by Mellanox: * http://www.mellanox.com/page/products_dyn?product_family=26&mtag=linux_sw_drivers

It's a new feature in version 2.0-2.0.51 as specified in the Release Notes. More details on eIPoIB here: * https://www.openfabrics.org/ofa-documents/doc_download/510-ethernet-tunneling-over-ipoib.html