Ubuntu – Best way to run virtual servers on a ubuntu server


I am running Ubuntu 10.04 on a physical box.

For web development testing purposes I would like to set up several virtual servers ( Ubuntu, Windows XP with IE6, Windows XP with IE7, …. )

What is the best way to achive that?

Also: Is there a web interface solution to see which servers are up?

Best Answer

I'm not completely sure what you mean by "Virtual servers": it could be two things:

(a) You want to run other instances of ubuntu server (like other physical computers) on top of your existing system. The answer to that would be:

To me the best option would be KVM - this is a kernel based virtual machine, meaning that it uses the host os's kernel for tasks such as memory allocation etc.... A good place to start would be: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM


(b) if you are talking about Apache virtual servers then you should definitely look into using webmin or virtualmin to manage your server: www.virtualmin.com

Hope that helps, RayQuang

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