Ubuntu – BIND9 – Open Resolver


I am running Ubuntu 12.04, and bind9. My Caching only DNS server was actually an open dns resolver, so I am trying to correct this.

I tried to follow this guide.


// This is the primary configuration file for the BIND DNS server named.
// Please read /usr/share/doc/bind9/README.Debian.gz for information on the
// structure of BIND configuration files in Debian, *BEFORE* you customize
// this configuration file.
// If you are just adding zones, please do that in /etc/bind/named.conf.local

include "/etc/bind/named.conf.options";
include "/etc/bind/named.conf.local";
#include "/etc/bind/named.conf.default-zones";

named.conf.local just contains.

    // Do any local configuration here

    // Consider adding the 1918 zones here, if they are not used in your
    // organization
    //include "/etc/bind/zones.rfc1918";


acl "trusted" {;


options {
        recursion no;
        additional-from-cache no;
        allow-query { none; };
        dnssec-validation auto;
        auth-nxdomain no;    # conform to RFC1035

view "trusted" in {
        match-clients { trusted; };
        allow-query { trusted; };
        recursion yes;
        additional-from-cache yes;
        dnssec-validation auto;
        auth-nxdomain no;    # conform to RFC1035

I can restart bind without issue, I can query against bind. Yet, when i test I am still an open resolver, and when I look at DNS top, all my top queries are coming from IPs outside of the defined ranges. So I know I have something wrong.

Best Answer

This is what I use:

options {
    directory "/var/named/master";
    allow-recursion {; x.y.z.0/19; ...; };
    allow-transfer {; x.y.z.0/19; ...;  };
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