Ubuntu – Cannot connect to Redis installed on VirtualBox running Ubuntu from Windows 7

connectionredisUbuntuvirtualboxwindows 7

I've setup an Ubuntu image on VirtualBox on a Windows 7 host. On the Ubuntu guest I've installed Redis which runs on port 6379 (TCP) by default.

I've setup port forwarding using the VirtualBox GUI for SSH and verified that by connecting to localhost:2222 the connection is properly forwarded to port 22 and SSH works.

However, when I completed the same setup for port 6379 I get a "telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused" error when connecting port 30000, which is setup to forward to 6379.

Just to verify that the Redis was running correctly I verified that I can connect locally (via the command line on the guest machine) to Redis using port 6379 (telnet localhost 6379) and successfully ran commands against it.

I'm at a bit of a loss as to why this is happening. Any input would be great.

Best Answer

Find your redis.conf file and comment out the line that reads Bind Most out of the box installs have the interface only excepting local connections. Once you comment that out and restart redis server you will be able to connect assuming no other firewall is keeping from getting in

On Ubuntu Linux you can go location /etc/init.d and issue the this command to restart redis server.

sudo ./redis-server restart


sudo  /etc/init.d/redis-server restart
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