Ubuntu – Cannot Connect to the AWS Lightsail Instance


My Amazon Lightsail instance was working fine until 1 hour before. I opened some ports in the network config in the browser dashboard and since then I cannot connect to the server. All the hosted websites are down and simply the instance is not working. I rebooted the server, but no luck. I am in a terrible situation right now. I don't know whether the instance has crashed altogether. Seems there's nothing that I could do at this point. Is this common? There's no way to contact the amazon support on this.

Update: After Tim's comment the firewall setting:
enter image description here

This didn't work until 465, 587 and 9000 were removed. After that, everything was ok. The 3 ports mentioned above being the only three ports that were open earlier, ssh port, 22, was missing from the list. Therefore, I wasn't able to establish a connection.

Best Answer

General this kind of problem is caused by a firewall. In full AWS this tends to be security groups or NACLs, but LightSail appears to be a simpler firewall interface.

Try to close any ports you don't need open. For example, if you don't use SSH, close port 22.

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