Ubuntu – Cannot unmount CIFS mount


I am using Ubuntu 10.04.3 LTS. I have a NAS using CIFS protocol. I have mounted a share. I am not using fstab at all. Running mount yields the following:

// on /home/s3backup/S3Backup/mnt/FOO type cifs (ro,mand)

When I attempt to unmount it I get the following:

$ sudo umount mnt/FOO           
This utility only unmounts cifs filesystems.
This utility only unmounts cifs filesystems.

I also tried the -l option and it yielded the same results. Any thoughts?


Best Answer

I had this same problem on CentOS 5.4 and found a workaround in a RedHat bug report, which recommended using -i which tells it to not use the umount.<filesystem> helper.

In your case, just run

umount -i /home/s3backup/S3Backup/mnt/FOO

This worked, although it will write the following to stderr:

umount: // not found
umount: /home/s3backup/S3Backup/mnt/FOO: not mounted
umount: // not found
umount: /home/s3backup/S3Backup/mnt/FOO: not mounted