Ubuntu – Can’t login to Redmine after fresh install on Ubuntu


I did a fresh install of Redmine on Ubuntu 10.04, following the instructions here

After the installation, I visited http://localhost/redmine, and the site came up successfully. I then registered a user by clicking Register. It seemed successful, but I was unable to login with the user. In /etc/redmine/default/database.yml, it lists a user named redmine and a password (that I had entered during the installation) stored in plain text. I was also unable to login with this account.

Are there any ideas? Perhaps there is something obvious that I'm missing. Is there a way for me to manually check and see if the users I registered were registered successfully?

Note I noticed in the documentation that when registering a user, Redmine is supposed to send an email to the user in order to activate the account. It's not doing this, which could be the problem. This still doesn't explain why I can't login with the redmine account though.

Best Answer

The default account information in Redmine is:

username: admin

password: admin

This account works - my other accounts were failing to login because they had not been activated. I was able to activate the users by logging in with the admin account and going to the Administration page.