Ubuntu – Can’t write to Samba Share from Ubuntu


I have a Windows share mounted on Ubuntu 10.

I've tried mounting it as smbfs & cifs. I can connect & see data on that share when I use either one.

The mount point for Samba is /backup.

If I create a file, say using vi, directly in /backup, it saves just fine.

However, if I try to create a file in /backup using mysqldump or copy a folder using cp, it fails, saying "cannot create regular file…(name of file it is trying to create)…no such file or directory."

What am I doing wrong? How come I can create files on the share with vi, but not anything else? Thank you!

P.S. I am using a user that is "root" at the time of my attempt.

Best Answer

I am just guessing, but I would say that if you examine your fstab file, you are mounting the file system without the UTF-8 option (which is required for a ntfs-3g filesystem. If you remount with that option, then you'll probably find that writing to that share will then work. Just a guess though. It's easy to check your mount options.

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