Ubuntu – chmod not working on vbox shared folder


The folder /var/www was mounted during init, using:

mount -t vboxsf cuckoo_shared /var/www/ -o uid=1000,gid=1000,rw,dmode=755

Now, all the files belong to my user jdrummond as default. And also have 755 as default mode.

But now every chmod that I try to run doesn't seem to work:
chmod try

My doubts on this are:

First: why is my index.php file 777 even when I said it should be 755 on the mount command?

Second: why isn't my chmod working?


I've tried to run the chmod command with sudo but it also didn't work.

Virtualbox 4.1.18:

Host = Windows 7

Guest = Ubuntu 11.04.

Edit: Just tried the same in another machine, also with the same specs and:



Best Answer

I'm assuming that the files are stored on an NTFS or FAT filesystem on the Windows host. NTFS and FAT have no concept of *nix executability, and so it is not possible to store this information when you try to chmod a file. This is also why all files are executable -- in order to be able to execute any files, they all have to be made executable.