Ubuntu – Create vxlan – RTNETLINK answers: Operation not supported


I knew nothing of vxlan until about 30 minutes ago, however I've come up with an issue installing OpenStack, which is vxlan related.

Trying to create a vxlan on an interface on Ubuntu 14.04 (kernel 3.14.32):

ip link add vxlan10 type vxlan id 10 group ttl 4 dev eth0
RTNETLINK answers: Operation not supported

Google is throwing up relatively no information on this – it does not seem to be a common problem.

Admittedly the command above may not be correct, as I've taken an example from elsewhere. However, I'm not sure if this is a hardware or kernel support issue?

Best Answer

Problem was caused by custom kernel from server provider (OVH) without vxlan support. Switched to generic kernel and vxlan support is working.