Ubuntu – Cronjob: E-Mail with Cronjob output from mailutils is empty


I am tempering with my cronjobs to change the sender and subject for emails sent by the cronjob. For sending emails I installed the mailutils package on Ubuntu 14.04.

This is how I am sending my email from the cronjob:

0 3 * * * /root/bin/backup.sh 2>&1 | mail -s "Slave1 Backup" -a "From:Slave1<slave3@example.com>" cronjob@example.com

Source: How to change "From:" field for emails from Cron?

However this sends me an empty email. The backup script ran because I can see that all the files are up to date, however the email contains no text.

If I change it back to this, the emails contains all the output from the backup script as I want to:

MAILTO: cronjob@example.com
0 3 * * * /root/bin/backup.sh

What do I have to change so that mailutils will send the output from the cronjob?

Best Answer

Cronjob looks fine, i just changed the place of one parameter in mail utility and it starts sending email with script output.

0 3 * * * /root/bin/backup.sh 2>&1 | mail -s "Slave1 Backup" cronjob@example.com -a "From:Slave1<slave3@example.com>"