Ubuntu – Easy way to convert custom 32-bit AMI into 64-bit one

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I have customised (EBS-backed) AMI for running a demo version of an application of ours. (The AMI contains Ubuntu 11.04 with a Tomcat & MySQL setup for the app itself, and Jenkins for easy one-click update of the demo).

This is a 32-bit AMI, which means I have the following instance type options:

  • Micro (t1.micro)
  • Small (m1.small)
  • High-CPU medium (c1.medium)

We've noticed that we'd like some more performance for the demo server than what c1.medium can offer. (Specifically, I suspect "I/O Performance: Moderate" might be a bottleneck, although I'm not sure if improving that would help given that we use EBS for everything.)

Anyway, in order to use the more powerful instance types (e.g. "m1.large" or "c1.xlarge"), I would need a 64-bit AMI.

One way to do this is to create a new instance from clean 64-bit Ubuntu AMI, then re-setup my system there, and finally save that as a new AMI. I could mount a volume with the current setup, and then cp -a some stuff over to the new instance's root disk, which would help somewhat. But even so, this approach can be somewhat tedious and time-consuming.

So, my question is, is there any easier, automated way of converting a 32-bit AMI to a 64-bit one?

Best Answer

No, there is no automated way. You will have to create a new AMI starting with the Ubuntu-plain one.

It's possible to convert an Unbuntu installation but it's really messy. It's best you make a fresh AMI.

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