Ubuntu – Error “fileid changed” when accessing files over NFS


I have an nfs-kernel-server configured and running on Ubuntu 10.04 Server.

/export THIRD_SERVER_IP(rw,fsid=0,insecure,no_subtree_check,async) SECOND_SERVER_IP(rw,fsid=0,insecure,no_subtree_check,async)
/export/ebs THIRD_SERVER_IP(rw,fsid=0,insecure,no_subtree_check,async) SECOND_SERVER_IP(rw,nohide,insecure,no_subtree_check,async)

I mounted the exported folder to the second server:

mount -t nfs4 -o proto=tcp,port=2049 NFS_SERVER_IP_HERE:/ebs /ebs

and it works just fine. I mounted it to the third server but I cannot access files from it.

ls -l /ebs
ls: reading directory /ebs: Stale NFS file handle
total 0

The syslog on the third server says:

kernel: [11575.483720] NFS: server NFS_SERVER_IP_HERE error: fileid changed
kernel: [11575.483722] fsid 0:14: expected fileid 0x2, got 0x6e001

Some info:

uname -r
uname -m

Best Answer

The error happened because of wrong fsid value in /etc/exports.

I replaced the second line with this one:

/export/ebs THIRD_SERVER_IP(rw,insecure,no_subtree_check,async) SECOND_SERVER_IP(rw,nohide,insecure,no_subtree_check,async)

and now it works.