Ubuntu failover from Ethernet-to-ADSL-modem to USB 3G dongle


I have an internet connected Ubuntu server, connected by Ethernet to a residential ADSL line. This is adequate, most of the time, but I can't rely upon the ADSL link to be as reliable as I'd like. Murphy's law has already dictated that down-time comes when it is least convenient.

I'd like to use a 'pay-as-you-go' 3G USB dongle to provide a fail-over. I'm lacking information both about sample configurations that work for other people – and about the most suitable (inexpensive) hardware for my purposes. The objective is that, when my ADSL line is disconnected, the server detects this and dials up the 3G service – monitoring the ADSL line and switching back seamlessly when its connection is restored.

The principle service I care about is an OpenVPN tunnel – over UDP to a remote server. The other useful service would be Squid – so I'd still have web-access from my LAN when ADSL is disconnected.


  1. How difficult would this be to set up?
  2. Would I be forced to 'roll my own' – or are there packages/howtos I've overlooked?
  3. What (inexpensive) hardware is recommended (concerned with unattended reliability – mainly)?
  4. Any anecdotes of success or failure from others who've tackled this already?

Best Answer

I have done this any times for customers and i have not found a developed system to make this so i have ever roll my own, the steps that Manwe has given you are more or less what i do when i need them but i will paste here any crude bash scripts i am using (when i have time i want to make this much better in python).

Basically i check if i have internet or not and if i am using the wan backup and make the changes needed

primary_gw="" #for example.

#first we check internet connection.
if `ping -c 1 -W 1 $check_one |grep -E '(unreachable|100\%\ packet\ loss)' &> /dev/null` &&\
   `ping -c 1 -W 1 $check_two |grep -E '(unreachable|100\%\ packet\ loss)' &>/dev/null`
  then #if we don't have internet
    if [ -e /tmp/wan_backup ]
      #if we are using backup right now we try to change to primary connection
      then ./script_change_to_primary.sh && rm /tmp/wan_backup
      #else we change to wan backup.
      else ./script_change_to_backup.sh && touch /tmp/wan_backup

#if we are using wan backup right now we check if primary connection works.
if [ -e /tmp/wan_backup ]
    if `ip route add $check_one via $primary_gw; ip route add $check_two via $primary_gw;\
        sleep 2; ping -c 1 -W 1 $check_one | grep -E '(unreachable|100\%\ packet\ loss)' &> /dev/null &&\
        ping -c 1 -W 1 $check_two | grep -E '(unreachable|100\%\ packet\ loss)' &> /dev/null`
      then #don't works we clean the routes and stay using backup
        ip route del $check_one via $primary_gw
        ip route del $check_two via $primary_gw
      else #it works so we change active connection 
        ip route del $check_one via $primary_gw
        ip route del $check_two via $primary_gw
        rm /tmp/wan_backup

Given that you only want your server to use 3g if adsl goes down i would only use iptables snat or masquerade only in the adsl iface and i would block access to squid in ./script_change_to_secondary.sh, your files could be:


pon 3gIsp #this one it is going to change the default route of server anyway
#drop squid connections, you could disable here the boot snat or masquerade for adsl
#but given your adsl is not active i don't see the need anyway
iptables -I INPUT -s LAN_IP_RANGE -d SERVER_IP -p tcp --dport 3128 -j DROP


poff 3gIsp
iptables -D INPUT -s LAN_IP_RANGE -d SERVER_IP -p tcp --dport 3128 -j DROP
/etc/init.d/openvpn restart

You should have too in /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/ a bash script with "/etc/init.d/openvpn restart", this way every time you connect to a ppp provider your openvpn will restart automatically.

Well like i have said it is a bit ugly and crude but it works :) if you find a integrated clean solution for this make me know please :), one good thing of roll-your-own it is that you have a complete control of the system, this is an oversimplification of what i do in any customers that have two or three connections alive at the same time and do a load balancing and QoS all integrated with scripts that detect connections problems and changes the routes and the QoS.

If you prefer an integrated solution to a roll-your-own you can use a distribution like zentyal, it supports what you want to use but it is a complete distribution tailored to create a SmallBusiness server, i usually prefer to configure my servers at my own but this is a good distribution that can be managed via web.

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