Ubuntu – Firewall configuration on Ubuntu KVM host


I have an Ubuntu 9.10 server with KVM virtualization installed on it (I'll call it HOST). It has three VMs running, one with Apache installed (calling it APACHE), one with Mysql installed (calling it MYSQL), and one with Jetty running on port 8080 (JETTY). The host has a bridge configured to provide access to the VMs.

I'd like to run a firewall on the host, but not on each VM. The firewall should block all ports on the host and VMs that aren't necessary. Here's specifically how I'd like to configure it:

  • HOST should only be able to be connected to via SSH from within it's netblock.
  • HOST should not have any other ports than SSH open.
  • APAHCE, MYSQL should be able to be connected to via SSH from anywhere.
  • MYSQL should be able to be connected to via port 3306 from within the netblock only.
  • JETTY should be able to be connected to via port 8080 (it is running as a user, so can't run on 80), but traffic to port 80 should be forwarded to 8080 in the firewall as well, so it can appear as a regular http server.

I just recently switched to Ubuntu, so I'm not sure what the best firewall tool is. I've dabbled with iptables on CentOS in the past, but iptables isn't running on my host system. I've seen reference to UWF as the firewall tool for ubuntu? It looks like UWF is installed, but not active.

Any suggestions on how to get this going? What files should I be editing? Are there any good HOWTOs on doing this that I just haven't found?

Best Answer

I think UFW is just a fronted for iptables. Anyway you can play with its graphical frontend.

But I strongly suggest you to learn iptables. Unbuntu official documentation: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo

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