Ubuntu – How to Run fsck on Root Filesystem Remotely


I have filesystem problems on a machine running Ubuntu 8.04 machine in a colocation facility.
What was once a directory now looks like this:

b--xr-SrwT 52 825452087 876163170 56, 97 2021-10-10 05:43 58

This was cache data, so I don't mind the data loss, I just want to fix the filesystem. The problem is, this is the root filesystem, so I can't unmount it to run fsck.

So my question is: How do I run fsck on the root filesystem without having to drive all the way to the colocation center?

Best Answer

shutdown -rF now

Should force a fsck of all disks in /etc/fstab on reboot. link: man shutdown

Alternatively, if you want a fsck on every reboot:

cd /
touch forcefsck