Ubuntu – GIT fetch remote: SSH timed out on port 22 (Ubuntu)


I've got an Oracle VM VirtualBox running Ubuntu 9.10, and also a pysical DELL server running Ubuntu 9.10

I can use putty to connect to both the VM and the DELL. From either I can ssh into the other, albeit using an IP address.

ssh user@192.168.1.X

Then on both machines, I've got a git repo set up: VM as a clone of DELL – I managed to successfully use git clone user@192.168.1.X:/path/to/repo/on/DELL

So VM has DELL as a remote repo called origin, and DELL has VM as a remote repo called siteVM

I've made some changes in the VM, and commited them.

But if I try to do a fetch from the DELL repo, I get the following:

git fetch siteVM
ssh: connect to host 192.169.1.X port 22: Connection timed out
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

So I'm lost. SSH is working fine, and I cloned the DELL repo onto the VM without any problems at all.

What's stopping SSH working via git fetch?

UPDATE: Completely and utterly my own stupid fault. I've put the IP in wrong in my git remote add command – I've put 169 instead of 168.

Best Answer

192.168.1.X != 192.169.1.X.