Ubuntu – GUI based remote sessions for end users


I am setting up a ubuntu 12.04 LTS server that several non-technical users will need remote access on to run GIS (Geographic Information Systems) software, and other software.

I need users to be able to log on to this machine (remotely) to do their work. Also, multiple users will need to acces the machine simultaneously.

Because I have non-technical users working on this machine, I would like to allow each user to have their own unique remote GUI desktop session for whoever is logged in. Obviously just using some kind of screen-sharing or screen-control software wont work because the users will need individual sessions.

How can I accomplish this? Does software exists that can accomplish this task?

I though maybe I could just use "ssh -X -Y user@host", but it seems like that only brings up a window for each individual program that you run, rather than a full GUI desktop environment.

Any ideas will be appreciated, thanks!

Best Answer

I would suggest using NoMachine (NX) for this purpose. I believe the protocol is compressed X11 over SSH. The Free Edition has clients for Mac, Linux and Windows and won't require you to do much other than create a Linux user account for each user who needs to access the system.