Ubuntu – How do view older journalctl logs (after a rotation maybe?)


I am running docker on ubuntu 16.04 and would like to view the logs. However, I am unable to view logs after what I am guessing is some sort of rotation or the logs grow to a certain size.

I have not made any changes to my journald.conf, so I am using defaults there. There are containers running so the docker log outputs quite a lot of data.

Examples of what I am seeing:

systemctl docker status confirms service has been active:

since Thu 2016-10-13 18:56:28 UTC

However, when I run something like:

journalctl -u docker.service --since "2016-10-13 22:00"

The only output I get is:

-- Logs begin at Fri 2016-10-14 01:18:49 UTC, end at Fri 2016-10-14 16:18:25 UTC. --

I can view the logs in that range as expected.

My question is: why can I not view older logs with journalctl, and how can I fix this issue so I can view the logs?

Best Answer

It could be because you are trying to review the journal since the last boot, which seems likely to be the case inside a docker image.

On Ubuntu 16.04, the journal storage defaults to being in-memory. You can change the default to be persistent by opening /etc/systemd/journald.conf and changing the Storage= line from auto to persistent. You may need to restart journald by systemctl restart systemd-journald after the config file edit.

I think the journal should be persistent-by-default, so I opened a bug about that.