Ubuntu – how install php 5.4 apache 2.2 thesql from source on ubuntu


im use ubuntu 16 and im know at repository is not support php 5.4 again.
im tired use ppa:ondrej/php5-oldstable becouse package is not exist
so how to install php 5.4 apache 2.2 mysql from source on ubuntu ?
becouse this project just work on php 5.4

Best Answer

I just want to make you aware that PHP has reached it's EOL (End of Life) and no longer provide security updates or bugfixes which could be critical to your environment. If you need to run PHP 5.x, I'd suggest you looking at 5.6, or follow the migration guide.

Have a look at: http://php.net/supported-versions.php


If you really want to to compile your own version

  • Make sure you have a compiler and standard libraries available. apt install build-essentials
  • Download each individual tarball for the AMP stack and install their dependencies.
  • Blacklist any Apache, PHP packages etc in your dpkg/apt config.
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