Ubuntu – How safe are Unattended Upgrades/Automatic Updates for Ubuntu


I'm in the process of trying to keep several ubuntu box's up to date and patched (10.4.2 LTS), one suggestion I've been getting is setting up unattended upgrades (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticSecurityUpdates).

In the past I've been against setting up automatic updates, mainly due to paranoia that it will break something during the update process. However now I'm starting to question how valid this is (and how much of a risk it is compared to having potentially unpatched servers). Is this a sane idea?

We are also in the process of setting up Puppet, however the creation of modules/migration of servers to puppet seems a long way away.

Best Answer

I've had Ubuntu package updates wreck serious havoc in the recent past, so my recommendation would be to manually deploy the packages at this point, (after some testing or at least a VM snapshot) with something like apticron to send you an email about pending patches.

That said, a central update management tool would be far better. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to have been much progress.