Ubuntu – How to auto update working copy svn when someone commit


We have a SVN server (UberSVN) and we have a test server (Ubuntu 11.10). Test server is running SVN-client and LAMPP.

We were looking for a solution that auto update the working copy's our developer on Test Server as soon as someone commit the changes to SVN server.

How to auto update working copy svn when someone commit ?

Best Answer

A few options spring to mind

  1. Take the simple sledge hammer approach of having a simple cron job that does and SVN update every few minutes on the test server.

  2. Use an SVN Post-commit hook on the SVN server to signal to the Test server that a commit has taken place so the test server can update. Signaling could be simply by placing a file in a shared location that the test server looks for in a script.

  3. Use a proper "Continuous integration" server such as http://jenkins-ci.org/.

Option 2 would need a bit of work in terms of writing some scripts but shoudl be fairly straight forward.

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