Ubuntu – How to automate a new linux server’s initial setup


Every time I setup a new server, I follow a series of steps on each server in order to get updates, set passwd, remove login via root user, customize a familiar environment (bashrc) and secure the server.

Is it possible to do all that using a script? The setup could include:

  1. distro upgrades and updates

    apt-get update

    apt-get upgrade

  2. adding users

    adduser deployer

    adduser deployer sudo

    mkdir /home/deployer/.ssh

    chmod 700 /home/deployer/.ssh

    touch /home/deployer/.ssh/authorization_keys

    deployer passwd

    su deployer

    cd to /home/deployer/.ssh/

    sudo chown deployer .ssh/

  3. Executing commands on local machine:

    ssh-copy-id root@hostname.com

    ssh-copy-id deployer@hostname.com

  4. logging back onto server:

    chmod 400 /home/deployer/.ssh/authorized_keys

    chown deployer:deployer /home/deployer -R

5..6…7.. Customizing bashrc, editing sshd_config, installing ufw & logwatch

Best Answer

Use a Kickstart or equivalent process to manage the build. Use a configuration management product like Puppet to deploy your settings.

You can also use a little bit of scripting magic to kick off the configuration management at the end of your build to make it a seamless experience.

My script sets a static IP, configures OSSEC and performs a couple puppet runs to sort out all the dependencies then runs a yum update (I'm primarily a CentOS user).

It's possible to cobble together other methods of getting the same results but I've found this to be the most flexible method I've worked with.