Ubuntu – How to Change the Service Boot Order in ubuntu server 10.04


I'm trying to get OpenSIPS working properly. I've got it installed and all is well–except that it won't start at boot because it requires MySQL to run, and for some reason, it is being launched BEFORE MySQLd during init.

What I'd like to do is modify the boot order of my process (/etc/init.d/opensips) so that it is launched AFTER MySQLd, and can work properly.

I've included a pastebin link to my /etc/init.d/opensips file here: http://pastie.org/1236331

I really have no idea. I've searched google for a while, but can't find any answers that work for me.

Thanks for your time!

Best Answer

As superuser run:

  1. update-rc.d -f opensips remove
  2. update-rc.d openspips defaults 99