Ubuntu – How to change the terminal to SCO compliant in Ubuntu


I have a server in which SCO 5.x is installed. I have several thin clients which were supplied from our head office. Those thin clients have linux pre-installed in them. When we tried to connect to our SCO server, we have found out that the thin client does not support SCO terminal type. So the program (Which is written in Oracle forms) is not working correctly. Lots of function keys stopped working and screen also not getting refreshed correctly. Hence we decided to use Ubuntu Live USB keys in thin clients.

Now the problem is how can we change the terminal type to SCO in ubuntu ? Means I want it in the text terminal (Alt+Ctrl+F1,F2…) (Not in xterm…graphical terminal emulators). Does ubuntu support SCO terminal type ?

Best Answer

I know your pain... I've supported terminal-based apps on SCO, HPUX and AIX for years.

Is your application an 80x25 console? I find it difficult to get newer thin client devices to do exactly what you're asking. A routine I used to use to would set the console to use the $TERM=ansi or $TERM=ansi25 to get SCO ANSI emulation.

So you can script that on login, for instance. You would probably need custom termdef work to get the keybindings and display right.

If you're interested in a hardware terminal that will work out of the box, I strongly recommend the Axel thin client terminals. They handle the colors and keybindings perfectly and have a specific SCO ANSI emulation mode.

enter image description here