Ubuntu – How to configure a private (friends only) IRC Server


I am trying to setup an IRC server on my machine for a bunch of friends and me to use. This is an ubuntu box and I have installed dancer-ircd and dancer-services and gotten everything up and running according to the Ubuntu Docs. I would like to now lock down the server so that users need a "global" password to connect. Alternatively, every user can have their own username/password as long as I have the ability to pre-approve who is registering a nick on the server.

Best Answer

I had some IRC servers way back when. If I remember correctly, you set the connection password in the third field of the I: lines in ircd.conf.

The clients connect with something like /server yourserver.com:port password, and I believe most clients will ask for the password if you fail to provide one in the connect string.

There are a number of other options if you want to further restrict the connections.

I:address mask:password:domain mask::connection class

The connection class is defined with an Y: line. There's probably one in the default configuration that you can reference. Looking through the example ircd.conf is probably a good idea, most configuration options are explained there.

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