Ubuntu – How to configure network interfaces for three NIC cards all on three different subnets


I am setting up a cloud environment on Ubuntu and I am running into an interesting problem. Out of the box Ubuntu (all linux really) doesn't allow you to specify more than one gateway in /etc/network/interfaces

Since I am not using DHCP for any of the NICs and I am using vLANs on my switch and router (reference image below) I need each NIC on this server to not just have it's own IP but have it's own gateway specified. Since vLAN 2 which is cannot access which is the default gateway but inaccessible due to netmask

All my research has lead me to understand that I need to configure the routing tables by hand, however, when I try to add routing for more than the first eth0 NIC I get the following error:

# ip route add default via dev eth1 table eth1
RTNETLINK answers: File exists

enter image description here

At this point I am lost for things to try… I cannot add the routes to the new route tables, and without explicit routes each NIC card tries to use as the gateway since it's the default gateway for

Best Answer

So here's the answer after taking Matt's suggestion and going the trial and error route.

The command I used had the following pattern ip route add via dev

The final command actually was

# ip route add via dev eth1
# ip route add via dev eth2

After adding these I had no issues pinging between the IP's on the vLAN.. Fantastic...

Essentially the difference here is that I added a static route so that interaction next hop is sent to the vLAN gateway ID instead of going to the default gateway.

Also so these are permanent I wound up adding them to the /etc/network/interfaces config file as post-up configs. So I wound up with this line for eth1 and eth2, but I left eth0 alone since it can use the default gateway

post-up route add via dev eth1