Ubuntu – How to get Apache, Ubuntu, and PHP7 to work with HTTP/2


I have followed the steps mentioned at https://http2.pro/doc/Apache but my website still only serves files as HTTP/1.1. I can see that the mod_http2 is in the config with no errors on restarting Apache:

LoadModule http2_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_http2.so

And that the site has a fresh SSL cert from LetsEncrypt and the Protocol line in the site config Protocols h2 http/1.1, but Chrome still only shows that the files are served as HTTP/1.1.

Is there a step that is missing? Thank you.

Apache 2.4.27,
Ubuntu 16.04.3,
PHP 7.0.22

Best Answer

I didn't see the Apache error log, and the message The mpm module (prefork.c) is not supported by mod_http2 was posting there. I followed the troubleshooting steps on the link I used above (https://http2.pro/doc/Apache) and switching to MPM Event and php-fpm fixed the issue.

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