Ubuntu – How to map AD Domain Admins group to Ubuntu admins


I have installed likewise-open and joined the domain succesfully on Ubuntu 12.04.

When I login with a domain user that is a member of Domain Admins I don't get administrator priveledges on the Ubuntu box.

I edited the /etc/sudoers file and added:

%HOME\\Domain^Admins ALL=(ALL) ALL

but this didn't work either. I can't run any sudo commands!


I've now also tried this (taken from PowerBroker docs):

On Ubuntu, you can simply add your domain account to the admin group 
in the /etc/group file by entering a line like the following as 


but this too didn't work!

Best Answer

Likewise (or PowerBroker, whatever they're calling it now) lowercases translated group names, in addition for the space character replacement that you've accounted for. Try:

%HOME\\domain^admins ALL=(ALL) ALL

Also, is it set to assume default domain? If so, then you don't want the domain part (I think this behavior started in a fairly recent version, so that might be part of it). So, also try:

%domain^admins ALL=(ALL) ALL

It's safe to just stick both of these in the sudoers file - one or the other should do the trick.