MySQL – How to Migrate Database from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0


Currently I have a Drupal 8 site in production with a database on MySQL 5.7

How to migrate a MySQL 5.7 database to MySQL 8.0?

Do I just need to export my Drupal 8 database from MySQL 5.7 and import it into a MySQL 8.0 database?

Is there any manipulation to do on the tables ?

Best Answer

How to migrate a MySQL 5.7 database to MySQL 8.0?

This will likely depend on your DB and the product using it.

I would start by using my favourite search engine to find information. I would then read through some of the information sources it provided to get a feel for what is involved. In particular the first link from my favourite search engine seems like a good place to start, it contains further information sources which appear interesting and pertinent A.8.1 particularly. I would probably do additional searching more closely related to the products I was upgrading and do further reading.

Having done my background reading, made notes etc I would write a plan for updating my system. I would test this plan by using a staging environment and refine my plan as required.

When I was happy with mu plan I would implement it through my change process.

Is there any manipulation to do on the tables ?

This will likely depend upon your tables.