OpenVPN – How to Prevent OpenVPN from Clobbering Local Route


I have a local network on with netmask When I connect to a VPN though OpenVPN (as a client), it pushes a route for that clobbers the existing one, making my local network inaccessible. I don't to access anything on on the remote machine; I'd like to just ignore it, while accepting the other routes that are pushed. My client is Ubuntu 10.10.

How can I skip the one offending route?

Best Answer

Use the

--route-up --route-noexec

option in openvpn and completely ignore the routes being pushed to you, instead adding static routes to the specific hosts you want to access through the tunnel.

openvpn --route-noexec --route-up /tmp/myscript --config ./client.ovpn

where /tmp/myscript is

route add -host gw ${route_net_gateway}

Something similar to that, I haven't actually tested this but it should work. You probably want to remove the routes when you disconnected as well.